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Kiwi Education Hub – a fun day

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On Saturday we held a four topic Kiwi Education Hub session at the Walter Nash Centre. The first two topics provided opportunities for parents to learn about Parenting in New Zealand and the importance of Cultural Inclusion both in the home space and in relation to school. The third and forth topics were Discrimination (and how to deal with it) and Pathways from School, which were aimed at both parents and youth. and in relation to school.

We want to shout out our thanks to Sabrina from Reach Out Counselling, Dr Zainab from Aotearoa Refugee and Migrant Support Services (ARMSS), and Natialie and Nicki from the Ministry of Education for facilitating the sessions. We had amazing feedback from the attendees about how much they learnt, and all the ‘aha’ moments, and the fact that they would like more of these sorts of sessions, not only about education and learning, but on other topics too. Thanks so much to the community leaders who shared the information and carried out interpreting on the day…you support is priceless and is how we can ensure to provide workshops like these.

While the adults were busy learning about Kiwi Education, the kids were in another room learning to drum and use rhythm with Judah Seomeng and carry out a bunch of craft and colouring activities with Lucia. The noise of the drums was stunning and the mess from the craft inspiring. I don’t know who had the most fun, Judah and Lucia or the kids…but talking to some of the kids yesterday…they were pretty delighted. And of course, we had the most amazing lunch provided by Hajar.

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