ChangeMakers Resettlement Forum

275 Cuba Street,

Te Aro, Wellington 6011

Mon - Fri: 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM

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+64 4 801 5812

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Changing The Narrative

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CRF were delighted to launch the second part of our Change The Narrative Photo Exhibition at Bottle Creek Gallery in Pataka, Porirua on May 12th. It was fantastic to have a great turnout for the launch, fabulous catering mostly from people of refugee background, background, organ music played by a new arrival, a heartwarming speech by Porirua Mayor, Anita Baker, and to have participants in the exhibition see their stories on canvas for the first time.

The exhibition is a visual piece of advocacy, partially funded by JR McKenzie Trust, which aims to change the common narrative of people of refugee background as dependent victims with little to offer, through showing in spaces where the general public will connect with it. The exhibition showcases the reality of the huge contribution and participation, across all aspects of society, of people of refugee background. Through changing this narrative we hope to see a reduction in discrimination and removal of a multitude of barriers .

Thanks so very much to all who participated in the development of the exhibition. We cannot thank photographer Ehsan Hazaveh enough for the time taken with participants to get to know them enough to produce for the amazing images and captions. A huge shout out of thanks to Porirua City Council team for providing a space for us to launch and show this important piece of advocacy in such style. The exhibition will be in Bottle Creek Gallery, Pataka, Porirua through World Refugee Day on 20th June, finishing at the end of day on 24th June in conjunction with the World Refugee Day celebration at Te Rauparaha Arena of the cultural diversity people of refugee background bring to Aotearoa New Zealand.

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